Here’s the ultimate list of phrasal verbs with “find.”
“Find for” Meaning and Example
To decide in favor of someone in a court. This term is used only in legal contexts.
The jury found for the young woman. After that, she was set free.
The jury decided in favor of the young woman. After that, she was set free.
“Find out” Meaning and Example
To discover something. It can be used as “find out what/who/when,” “find out about,” or “find out that.”
I am determined to find out what happened here. I don’t like mysteries.
I am determined to discover what happened here. I don’t like mysteries.
We need you to keep this secret. Nobody can find out about this.
We need you to keep this secret. Nobody can discover this.
His mother found out that he went to the party without permission and grounded him. His mother discovered that he went to the party without permission and grounded him.
“Find” phrasal verbs
There are many “find” phrasal verbs. Did we miss something? Let us know in the comments!